Science Executive

Our people

Science Executive

The Science Executive, which meets every three months, provides a vital sounding board and source of guidance for the Director and Deputy Directors in their day-by-day leadership roles.

This executive comprises the Director, the Deputy Directors, Science Leaders, elected Principal Investigator (PI) and Associate Investigator (AI) representatives, the MESA Co-Chairs and the MI Women and Gender Minorities Network Chair. The Institute Manager, Programme Manager, Strategic Engagement and Communications Manager, Commercialisation and Industry Engagement Manager and the Strategic Manager Māori are also members of the Science Executive.

Professor Nicola Gaston


Professor Nicola Gaston

University of Auckland

 Associate Professor Anna Garden

Deputy Director Outreach and Education

Associate Professor Anna Garden

University of Otago

Associate Professor Pauline Harris

Deputy Director Māori

Associate Professor Pauline Harris

Massey University

 Associate Professor Natalie Plank

Deputy Director Commercialisation and Industry Engagement

Associate Professor Natalie Plank

Victoria University of Wellington

Associate Professor Chris Fitchett

AI Elected Representative

Associate Professor Chris Fitchett

University of Canterbury

Dr Simon Granville

Programme Leader: Towards Low Energy Tech - Hardware for Future Computing

Dr Simon Granville

Victoria University of Wellington

Professor Derek Kawiti

PI Elected Representative

Professor Derek Kawiti

Victoria University of Wellington

Associate Professor Jenny Malmström

Programme Leader: Towards Zero Waste - Reconfigurable Systems

Associate Professor Jenny Malmström

University of Auckland

Professor Shane Telfer

Programme Leader: Towards Zero Carbon - Catalytic Architectures

Professor Shane Telfer

Massey University

Associate Professor Charles Unsworth

PI Elected Representative

Associate Professor Charles Unsworth

University of Auckland

Jaye Barclay

MI Women and Gender Minorities Network Chair

Jaye Barclay

Victoria University of Wellington

Kirsty Doyle

EX OFFICIO - Strategic Manager Māori

Kirsty Doyle

Victoria University of Wellington

Gabrielle Holmes


Gabrielle Holmes

Victoria University of Wellington

Kevin Sheehy

ex officio - Commercialisation Manager

Kevin Sheehy

Works across all partner campuses

Campbell Tiffin


Campbell Tiffin

University of Canterbury

Marco Vás


Marco Vás

University of Auckland

Rosie Wayte

ex officio - Institute Manager

Rosie Wayte

Victoria University of Wellington

Vanessa Young

ex officio - Strategic Engagement Manager

Vanessa Young

Victoria University of Wellington