Annual Report
Since 2014, 165 MacDiarmid Institute alumni have used their expertise in government, research and start-up companies.
June 14, 2020
Annual Report
We now have 19 affiliated start-up companies, on average one for each year of the Institute’s existence, which employ upwards…
June 14, 2020
Associate Professor JJ Eldridge discusses the science behind Neutronium from Star Wars, Star Trek and the Marvel Comics.
June 12, 2020
Annual Report
In May, the Government hosted the Just Transition summit in Taranaki on preparing for a low emissions economy,
June 11, 2020
Annual Report
Our efforts towards supporting emerging science entrepreneurs links students, experienced researchers, industry and investors across the country.
June 11, 2020
Annual Report
Six of the KiwiNet awards finalists this year were MacDiarmid Institute affiliated; our researchers, Board members and CEOs of affiliated…
June 8, 2020
In The Media
An industrial prototype to recycle acid waste from Christchurch’s galvanised steel industries is just the beginning for researchers at the…
June 8, 2020
In The Media
Geoff Willmott discusses how the tech sector and the Māori economy is well-placed to lead New Zealand's recovery from Covid-19.
June 4, 2020
News Article
During these unfamiliar times, independent science communication has come into its own.
June 1, 2020
Associate Professor Nicola Gaston discusses the science behind feminum from Wonder Woman on RNZs' Nights.
May 29, 2020
Annual Report
2019 saw the launch of the inaugural MacDiarmid Institute three-month internships in government and industry.
May 28, 2020
Annual Report
In 2019, we focused our annual regional showcase on 'NZ Innovation for Sustainability. '
May 28, 2020