News & events

News & events

News & events - he pitopito kōrero

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Industry Interface activities - Annual Report 2020

Annual Report

Industry Interface activities - Annual Report 2020

Our annual Industry Interface event during Techweek, was online but still managed to draw a highly engaged crowd.

March 29, 2021

Awards - Annual Report 2020

Annual Report

Awards - Annual Report 2020

This provides information about the range of awards received by MacDiarmid Institute Investigators in 2020.

March 24, 2021

Funding successes - Annual Report 2020

Annual Report

Funding successes - Annual Report 2020

Funding successes for our investigators and their research programmes during 2020.

March 24, 2021

Science Advisory Panels

Annual Report

Science Advisory Panels

This year we commenced an online platform for regular engagement between technology companies and our scientists.

March 24, 2021

Materials: Fact or Fiction - Rumplestiltskin


Materials: Fact or Fiction - Rumplestiltskin

Professor of Chemistry at the University of Auckland, Duncan McGillivray tries to work out how Rumpelstiltskin made straw into gold.

March 19, 2021

Liquid metals that create nanostructure - it’s the little details that count

News Article

Liquid metals that create nanostructure - it’s the little details that count

PhD candidate and MacDiarmid Institute researcher Stephanie Lambie from successfully kick-started a new collaboration with FLEET.

March 8, 2021

Canterbury University working on Covid-19 breath test to replace invasive nose swab

In The Media

Canterbury University working on Covid-19 breath test to replace invasive nose swab

Study led by University of Canterbury researchers has shown a breath test may be able to detect Covid-19.

February 26, 2021

Materials: Fact or Fiction - The Stillsuit


Materials: Fact or Fiction - The Stillsuit

MacDiarmid Institute Deputy Director, Associate Professor Geoff Willmott, gives us his scientific take on the stillsuit from Dune.

February 25, 2021

Materials: Fact or Fiction - Tenet


Materials: Fact or Fiction - Tenet

Professor Bill Williams explains the science behind time travel and entropy in Christopher Nolan's Tenet.

February 11, 2021

Nature paper echoes work of Turing with implications for future electronics, optics and CO2 catalysis.

News Article

Nature paper echoes work of Turing with implications for future electronics, optics and CO2 catalysis.

In work published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology, scientists each side of the Tasman have discovered that diverse types of…

January 18, 2021

The search for a better battery

In The Media

The search for a better battery

Dr Shalini Duvya went on RNZ to talk about how she is starting a company to create the next sustainable…

January 18, 2021

15 Minutes Smarter - Episode 3: It's the little things


15 Minutes Smarter - Episode 3: It's the little things

Jono & Claire take a trip to the nanoscale where things get weird, and Dr Anna Garden shares her stoke…

December 17, 2020

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