News Article
Ahead of launching our new logo, we looked at the whakapapa of our original one.
November 16, 2021
Assoc Prof Franck Natali and Dr Emilia Nowak talk about the new research programmes, our Institute, and what the start…
November 4, 2021
Dr Jenny Malmström, Assoc Prof Mark Waterland and Dr Kim McKelvey talk about the new research programmes, our Institute, and…
November 4, 2021
Assoc Prof Carla Meledandri and Dr Anna Garden talk about the new research programmes, our Institute, and what the start…
November 4, 2021
Prof Sally Brooker and Dr Paul Hume talk about the new research programmes, our Institute, and what the start of…
November 4, 2021
News Article
MacDiarmid Institute led research received $6. 2 million funding in 2021 Te Pūtea Rangahau a Marsden, the Marsden Fund.
November 3, 2021
News Article
The MacDiarmid Institute farewelled Chair Paul Atkins who has taken up the position of Chief Executive of Royal Society Te…
November 2, 2021
MacDiarmid Institute affiliated Orbis Diagnostics is on the brink of releasing a device that can test people's immunity to Covid-19.
November 1, 2021
News Article
Principal Investigator Geoffrey Waterhouse, awarded James Cook fellowship for his work in the Green Hydrogen Economy.
November 1, 2021
News Article
We are delighted to announce the continued funding of the Discovery Scholarship Programme, for Māori and Pacific Island students.
October 29, 2021
Victoria University Wellington, PhD student, Anindita Sen looks at Pheromones from the Black Widow movie.
October 29, 2021
In The Media
NZ could lead the charge as interest grows in green hydrogen as plans are underway to build the world’s largest…
October 25, 2021