MacDiarmid Institute Board Chair steps down to take up Royal Society leadership

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MacDiarmid Institute Board Chair steps down to take up Royal Society leadership

2 November, 2021

Paul Atkins with Whakarewarewa Village Chair James Warbrick at the February 2021 MacDiarmid Symposium

The MacDiarmid Institute Board and leadership team today farewelled MacDiarmid Board Chair Paul Atkins who is stepping down to take up the position of Chief Executive of Royal Society Te Apārangi.

Speaking at today’s Board meeting, Board member Hēmi Rolleston said Paul Atkins joined the MacDiarmid Board in August 2017 as an Independent Board member, about mid-point through the Institute’s previous six-year TEC contract.

“Paul then stepped into the role of Chair in early 2018 when previous Chair Ray Thompson stood down.”

Victoria University of Wellington Vice-Provost (Research) Professor Margaret Hyland said that Paul Atkins had provided steady governance, direction and support for the refresh of the Institute, and for the Co-Directors as they navigated the lead-up to the Rebid in 2019. 

“The Institute has been fortunate to have had Paul’s leadership and guidance over these key years – years that have been critical to the Institute’s future, and to the future of materials science-led sustainability research in New Zealand.”

“Paul led the Board with his trademark grace and care. Behind his eloquence, warmth and genuine appreciation, lies a very astute mind.” 

Co-Director, Associate Professor Nicola Gaston said that Paul Atkins had always been an emphatic supporter of the work of the Institute, and its researchers. 

“In particular he’s been a staunch supporter of our work to bring more Māori and Pacific Island researchers into the Institute.”

Co-Director, Professor Justin Hodgkiss said Paul always gave absolutely enthusiastic support both for the Institute’s sustainability focus and for its people.

Paul has always seen the people in the Institute, as being our primary life force.

Professor Justin Hodgkiss Co-Director The MacDiarmid Institute

Associate Professor Nicola Gaston said that the Board and leadership team thanked Paul for his very considerable contribution to the work of the Institute and wished him all the best with his new position. 

“While we are very sorry to lose Paul from our Board, we are super proud to see him taking up this significant position within the New Zealand research sector.”

Paul Atkins takes up his new position on 29 November. A new MacDiarmid Board Chair appointment will be made shortly.

Tags: paul atkins