AMN10 Plenary speaker Dr. Kristi S. Anseth

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AMN10 Plenary speaker Dr. Kristi S. Anseth

13 March, 2020

Dr. Kristi S. Anseth - the Tisone Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Head of Academic Leadership of the BioFrontiers Institute at the University of Colorado at Boulder - will be a plenary speaker at the 10th International Conference on Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology (AMN10). 

Dr. Anseth works at the interface of biology and engineering where she designs new biomaterials for applications in drug delivery and regenerative medicine. 

Dr. Anseth is an elected member of the US National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Medicine, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Inventors, and most recently the American Academy of the Arts and Sciences.  

She is also a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, Society for Biomaterials, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and Materials Research Society. 

Dr. Anseth currently serves on the Board of Directors of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Board of Trustees for the Gordon Research Conferences, on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Allen Institute. She is also an editor for Biomacromolecules and Progress in Materials Science.

Dr. Anseth is among many other materials scientists who will be visiting Rotorua, New Zealand in 2021 for AMN10. The AMN conference series is interdisciplinary and covers a broad variety of topics in nanotechnology and materials science. It brings together material scientists, chemists, physicists, biologist and engineers resulting in stimulating discussions that bridge the range from building electronic devices to the study of protein structures.

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