PhD recruitment

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PhD recruitment

5 May, 2022

PhD stipend increases to $35k.

We have over 30 fully funded PhD scholarships, have filled a number of them, and recruiting efforts targeting domestic students are in full swing.

With the start of the new CoRE contract in July, we are able to offer over 30 fully funded PhD scholarships within our new research programmes. With COVID-19 still in our midst, we recognised a new cohort of domestic students that would otherwise move abroad. We hosted PhD recruitment events across the country in-person and via Zoom. In addition, we created a poster for a targeted social media campaign, as well as sent targeted emails to relevant Universities and Institutes across Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. We pride ourselves in being a leader in offering liveable PhD stipends for three years at $35,000 NZD per annum plus all student fees.

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