Science Advisory Panels

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Science Advisory Panels

24 March, 2021

With Covid-19 requiring us to move to online formats, we also commenced an online platform for regular engagement between technology companies and our scientists in the form of a Science Advisory Panel. Each panel session hosts a company that is interested in pursuing research to overcome a technical challenge with commercial relevance. The panel consists of a selection of our materials scientists (chemists, physicists, biologists, engineers) who provide advice on how to approach the company challenge.

Companies such as CarbonScape are able to learn about our research capability and facilities, and potentially build partnerships; while our scientists are able to identify new collaborations and gain exposure to industry perspectives and ways of operating.

CarbonScape has developed a patented technology and process to produce graphite sustainably from renewable feedstock.

Via the Science Advisory Panel, CarbonScape was able to connect with a wide range of enthusiastic scientists to further our materials understanding and enhance our product.

Heinrich Badenhorst CARBONSCAPE CTO